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Patriot Patch Co. - Statue of Liberty - Eternal Vigilance Sign - Thomas Jefferson Quote

Patriot Patch Co. - Statue of Liberty - Eternal Vigilance Sign - Thomas Jefferson Quote

$14.99 $19.99

One of the primary factors America has remained the land of freedom is because the framework of the Founding Fathers and the watchful eyes that ensure our Nation doesn't stray far off course. This aluminum sign depicts Lady Liberty wielding night vision binoculars and an AR-15. These tools along with a hatred for corruption and oppression are necessary to the preservation of Freedom. 

"The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance" - Thomas Jefferson

  • 12" W x 14" H
  • Aluminum Construction
  • Holes drilled in the 4 corners for hanging
  • UV coated for outdoor protection and use
  • Glossy finish

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